Sunday, January 31, 2010

Newest Batch of Art-O-Mat Paintings

It's been a busy and messy last few weeks, but I've finally completed my second set of 50 Art-O-Mat block paintings. They are a part of a series I've titled "Little Bits", and these fall under the category of "Trees". I've reclaimed some of the scrap plywood and matboard from work, cut them into 2x3" sizes, and assembled them to make them the vending machine thickness of 7/8". After that I've painted them all, labeled them all, and wrapped them up for dispersal in the various re-purposed cigarette vending machines throughout the U.S. They get shipped to the Artist In Cellophane headquarters in North Carolina where they distribute them to different machines. My mini-art can be found at various locations, recently including Beans & Barley in Milwaukee WI, Faces of the Earth in MA, Venue Ballard in WA, Visitor's Center in NC, Pacific University in OR, and Pop Deluxe in Madison, WI. For more information on this project visit . Here's an overall picture of the batch, plus a few close ups of my favorites.


  1. I love the idea of taking a group shot. I'm working on my second set now. These are great.
