Friday, January 15, 2010

Starting off the New Year

Alright, it's 15 days into the new year. So far, no complaints. I started and finished a new painting in the first 2 days. "Milwaukee Lakeshore Early Morning View". Submitted that and 1 other recent painting to a proposed show at the Charles Allis Art Museum on the east side of Milwaukee. Keep your fingers crossed...I'll find out next week if I made it into the show.

As for athletics, I've been trying to stay better prepared for the summer triathlons by doing a 30+ minute workout at least every other day. It's been a switch up between the bike trainer, trampoline/jump-roping, skiing and snowshoeing. Today I'm going to head over to the local YMCA and figure out if I can afford a membership for a few months so I can use their pool and indoor track. There is too much ice on the road right outside my apartment to risk running yet. I've signed up for 2 triathlons so far; the Pewaukee Triathlon on July 11th and the Tri for Children's at Ottawa Lake on July 25th. I've decided to do the sprint distance for the first one, and try my first olympic distance for the second one. It'll involve a little tighter training schedule than I've done in the past, but I like the new challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, it has a surreal, Beatles - Yellow Submarine, look to it. I like the choice of colors.

    Steve B.
