Bib # 245
Overall: 300/1199
Division: 41/429
Age Group: 7/55
Finish Time: 01:27:54.1
1/4 mile Swim Time: 00:09:44
T1: 00:01:21
15.55 mile Bike Time: 00:50:05
T2: 00:00:47
3.1 mile Run Time: 00:25:56
Here's my recap from this weekend's Pewaukee Triathlon.
Mass chaos running start into the lake. I don't think people ahead of me were aware of their swimming capabilities - arms and legs were flailing everywhere. I didn't want to get kicked in the face so I did some head-out-of-water freestyle until I could get around them. This cost some precious time, but I came out bruise-free and with all my teeth so I guess that's worth the added time.
An extremely hilly course, but the new road bike with installed aerobars stepped up to the plate. I think I tied my top speed down the same hill again of 36.3mph. I was passed by men going downhill, but I was able to pass both men and women on the uphills. And not all of them were on mountain bikes. One lady even said outloud to herself "Oh sh*t" when I passed her on a level straighaway. I had to contain myself from laughing, as I presume she thought she was going at a really fast pace.
I was really hoping to have an 8min/mile pace for this race, but the humidity combined with the hills did me in. More the humidity than the hills. I don't sweat well, so once I get hot it's usually a lost battle. A resident in the neighborhood we ran through had a sprinkler pointed at the street for us. I ran through it but felt only about 2 drops of water hit me. At the top of another hill there was a water station. Unfortunately this was also a water station for the bikes, and the runners had to cross over the street section of the bikers. I was able to avoid the bikes, but was almost decked in the face by a man facing the other direction suddenly holding out water for the quickly approaching bikers. Luckily I had enough tread on my shoes to stop dead in my tracks before getting whacked. He was nice enough to say "Oh, Sorry" once I ran out from behind him crossing the street. After running this course I've decided I won't be doing the Pewaukee Tri again - I'm just not that good of a hill runner. Ottawa is going to be a piece of cake after this! (Very flat run.)
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