Sunday, March 11, 2012

Socks: 1 Year in the Making

You read that right: 1 year in the making. Last year for my birthday, Zac bought me a sock knitting loom. I was all excited and picked out some fun colored yarn to start the project. Starting the project: not so easy. Read the "instructions" that came with the loom a few times through, thinking perhaps they forgot to send a page with the info on how to start the socks. Good thing we have internet these days, and multiple websites with information on pretty much every subject you could ever want. This time, YouTube was the most helpful, since other people found it necessary to provide some instruction on how to use this loom. "Cast on; got it. Knit in the round until you reach the desired length of the ankle part of your sock. Ok, this shouldn't take too long."

Fast-forward about 10 months.

"Alright, well since I have no idea how much yarn I've already used, and how much more I'll need for the rest of the sock, I guess I'll make these ankle-length socks." (That equates to about 3" completed in the last 10 months.) Back to YouTube for the lesson on how to knit the heel. "That makes more sense than the instructions they sent. This should go pretty quick." Heels on both socks finished in approximately 2 evenings.

Continue knitting in the round for the arch of the foot until you reach 2" less than the desired length of the foot. "Crap. That's 7.5 more inches. This is going to take forever."

Fast-forward to February 2012.

"Ok, if I can just get the 7.5 inches finished before my birthday, I'll declare this project successful." 4 inches, 5 inches...."this is taking forever"...6 inches..."So much for finishing before my birthday."

That brings us up to March again, almost exactly 1 year from when I started this project. Finished up the last 1.5 inches of "arch" this week, and hopped back on YouTube for a refresher on how to knit the toes. Both toes completed last night before and after watching a few episodes of Star Trek. Today I lost an hour (daylight savings) but woke up and sewed the toes together to complete my 1 year sock project.

Bad news: socks take a long time to knit.

Great news: finished knitting my first pair of socks, and THEY FIT!

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