Saturday, April 21, 2012


acrylic on board, 5'x4'
painted by Kelli Busch and Greg Schoeneck live during Art Milwaukee's "Wedding" Gallery Night After Party event at the City Center, April 20, 2012.

"Wedding" event you ask? That's right. The wedding of 10 artists on 5 canvases in the time span given of approximately 3 hours. Each pair of artists were put together to create a unique work of art together on one board.

Attempting to capture the different stages of our painting, I took a photo roughly every 15 to 20 minutes. You'll notice there are only 5 photos; after only about 2 hours of painting we were asked by a couple if we could stop because they liked the piece so much they wanted to buy it how it was in its current state. Eager to acquire the painting they put cash in our hands and our paint brushes took a bow, signing the lower right corner to make it official.

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:

Stage 5, finished piece:

1 comment:

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